Hakerėt shqiptarė sulmojnė faqet serbe tė internetit.Flamuri i Kosovės ėshtė paraqitur nė shumė ueb faqe shtetėrore serbe.
Sipas mediave serbe, qė nga qeveria e deri nė parlamentin serb, duke pėrfshirė kėtu edhe ueb faqen e armatės serbe, tė enjten janė paraqitur sulme nga hakerėt shqiptarė me flamurin e Kosovės.
Pėrgjegjėsinė pėr kėto sulme e morri njė grup hakerėsh shqiptarė i njohur me emrin "Kosova Hackers Group". Sipas kėshilltarit serb tė Ministrisė sė Telekomunikacionit Sllobodan Markoviq, hakerėt kanė shfrytėzuar faqet e internetit tė cilat janė falas dhe tė lira pėr qasje.(G.E./INA)
BELGRADE (Reuters) - Hackers posted the Kosovo flag on the Serbian parliament website in an action to block Serbian government sites, a Belgrade radio station reported on Thursday.
The "Kosova Hackers Group" told visitors to the parliament website that it had also attacked other official sites on Wednesday, including the Serbian army's.
The site looked normal on Thursday and parliament had no comment on the incident.
Serbia does not recognize the independence of its former province of Kosovo and objects to the use of its symbols at international gatherings.
"Those hackers are using programs that are freely accessible on the Internet and can be downloaded free of charge," Slobodan Markovic, an advisor in the Serbian telecommunications ministry, told Radio B92.
Markovic said Serbian government sites do not have a unique security system but that each ministry decides how to protect the data.
The Daily Press said several other official Internet sites were also under "Kosovo Hackers" attack on the same day, including the Defence Ministry, Commercial Court and Serbian Business Registers Agency.